Saturday, April 11, 2009


Death precedes resurrection. While we all ultimately pass from this world into the next, throughout the years we experience thousands of "deaths" of varying degrees. Habits die. Relationships die. Situations die. But from that which dies, something new is born.

When you look back over your life, you can review that which you thought would last forever. Some of it you had hoped actually would last forever. Others of it you were ecstatic when you realized it wouldn't last forever.

Focus upon something (a habit, a relationship, a situation) that you had wanted to change. Perhaps you had been struggling personally with how to proceed with making that change. What prompted the action that finally resulted in that change? How did you feel once that change had been made?

Do you ever notice that once once change has been made, you become keenly aware that you must make additional changes? It's almost as if you could not see the next change because it was buried beneath the change you were currently making. More likely, you weren't ready to make that next layer of change, but once you succeeded at the first change, the second change became more likely. Your confidence and experience with achieving a breakthrough strengthened you to move forward with additional changes.

Life is full of changes. You have a change you know you need to make now to more fully live your life. Renewal awaits. What is holding you back? What step can you take today that will take you closer to living you life at a higher level?

Take that step...and live.

TODAY'S QUESTION: What must die within you so that you may be resurrected?

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